Hello people :) how are you? i just got back from university. i have 4 hours lecture for 2 different subjects. and for the first time in 12 weeks of classes, i saw a lecture hall full with students. haha. iyelah kan dah almost the end of semester so semua pakat datang lah. one of the reason sebab nak tahu apa yang keluar nanti time final exam :P who wants to miss that part right? ada seminggu je lagi class next week! hooray! i just can't wait for this semester to end!
I habis kelas around 5pm. keluar lecture hall dah gelap gelita. haha. winter kan sekarang so pukul 5-5.30 dah gelap (maghrib). sejuk toksah habaq lah. memang menggigil i tadi. kalau sejuk sangat kan, i mesti terasa kesejukan tu the most dekat pipi and kaki i. rasa macam cramp. haha. nasib baik tadi mama dengan baik hati nak datang ambik i dekat university. so i tak payah berjalan kaki naik bus semua. haha. tadi temperature approximate 11°C . sumpah sejuk.
I nak cerita sikit kisah formspring i. i do have a formspring account. i deactivated it for almost one year. but yesterday, tangan ni terasa gatal nak restore account formspring i. plus i sangat lah bosan semalam :O so i did restored it for 2 hours lebih kurang. and i did mention it on facebook pasal i re-activate balik formspring. i thought its going to be a fun evening answering questions from people. but unfortunately it has turned into a disaster. hoho.
I received a lot of nonsense and unappropriated questions from anonymous. some of them were asking about my past, some of them were asking about my relationship and there are also people were actually criticizing my education status. diorang nak tanya pasal perkara dah lepas nak sibuk hal peribadi i tu, i tak ada lah nak kisah sangat. yelah semua yang tanya soalan tu confirm tak reti nak jaga tepi kain sendiri. tapi pasal result SPM i tu yang i tak boleh terima.

Right click at the image above to view larger. okay to be honest, i didn't get a very good result for my SPM. plus i didn't get A for my accounting and additional mathematics. so there were people criticizing my result. diorang cakap i tak suppose ambik accounting since my account and add math result tak bagus. then bila i answer nicely, i said time SPM memang result i tak berapa okay. but i did won some award for best subjects for account and economy.
Then si anon ni pergi tepek i balik, cakap i dapat award macam tu sebab sekolah i (Setiabudi) tak ramai student. kira nak cakap less competition lah. he/she even said if i went to other school, i wont get any achievement like i got in Setiabudi. maksud dia nak cakap i ni the best from the worst lah kot. maybe lah orang yang drop statement macam ni adalah seorang yang sangat pandai. maybe SPM dia pon dapat 28 A 1. kira dia tu pandai and i ni bodoh.
Haha. kelakar pon ada jugak :O nampak sangat dia dok stalk i punya blog facebook i semua. like seriously go and get a life. and before that, you might need to go and see a doctor to fix your brain. i think there is something wrong with it. to be honest, sekolah i memang sedikit je student. form 5 batch i less than 50. but it doesn't mean, i tak perlu compete untuk dapat result bagus. betul tak? and i dapat award semua atas dasar usaha i sendiri and i deserved it.
So, sekarang boleh nampak sendiri kan kenapa i taknak letak chatbox and formspring? haha. itu baru 2 jam i activate. doii ada je orang yang tak puas hati :O so the simplest way nak bagi sakit hati orang adalah dropping soalan yang bodoh and teramat bodoh. actually to those who did it, don't you feel like by asking these kind of questions actually has describe who you really are. ohh i lupa pulak mesti korang tak bole nak fikir sebab otak korang ada problem :P

*picture/poster courtesy from the organizer.
Okay anyway, esok malam kan ada event organized by SUAMS (Sydney University Associations Malaysia Students). its Mamak Night! :) sounds cool huh? teringat kedai mamak dekat malaysia :P the event started at 6pm. so i need to leave from wollongong around 4.30pm. i am not really sure apa activiti yang akan ada esok and plus i also will be meeting some of my friends tomorrow. tak sabar sangat! i hope it's going to be fun and enjoyable! hehe.
Thank you for reading this entry :)
take care kak ^_^
mamak? kreatif nama tu. :)
hi darling~ salam kenalan ya!
wahh. 11 je? sejuk gile tuhhh.
heh. abaikan je apa org ckp.yg penting kita dah berjaya. lgpon bnd tu x susahkan hidup dia pun.
susahnya sbb gatal sgt nk jadi stalker. haha
saya pun masa spm teruk giler result but at the end saya juga boleh buktikan saya takkan gagal selanya. yg penting kena usaha :)
Hi Izatie! :)
Sejak kebelakangan ni i perasan u byk post about benda2 mcm ni. Buat tak tahu je babe. Org mcm ni mmg tak boleh tgk hidup org lain sng. Lifeless. Hati tu asyik lah tak puas hati je. I feel the same way before. (Or maybe, STILL). walaupun kdg2 i jealous dgn life u, tapi takde lah i sampai nak sad bad things about you.
Hihii. panjang pulak i cakap kat sini. apapun, pegang quote ni;
Hye dear..nice to meet u!suke la baca story org2 msia kat oversea ni..rase mcm nak pegi sana jugak..hehe
manusia ni kalo dah dengki, macam2 cerita dye buat. u sabar je eh? hanya itu je cara. *senyum*
hello dear:)
pedulikan orang yang loser ni berkata2....
live life to the fullest:)
satu hari nanti mungkin u akan jadi lagi tinggi daripada mereka2:)
formspring kekadang menjengkelkannn kann. haha.
ok anywaysss, have fun and enjoyyy the days well!
u go girll
jimmy eatworld- the middle
dengarla lagu niii..
nina bobok.
blogwalking, follow
I have a sister who didn't get flying colours during SPM but she managed to get dean's list for every semester..jangan nak carik kelemahan orangla..rezeki kita tuhan yang tentukan. jangan takbur jangan riak ok.
chill dear...yg lps tu biarkn lps...yg pntg spa kta akn dtg kan :)
hurmmm~ ignore jek org cenggituuuu~:) chill3 kay?! suke lah bacer entry kamU!:) hehe~:)
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