Hello, how are you? enjoying your weekend so far? mine wasn't that great. the water run out when i was in the middle of shower. my day has turned out bad just because of this. cuba bayangkan korang tengah shampoo main main bubble tiba tiba air tak ada. dont you feel like screaming out loud? argh bengang gila i tadi. nasib baik harini memang plan duduk rumah je. kalau tak, memang i pergi pantai (which is very close to my house) mandi dekat sana je.
Okay enough with babbling, i ada interesting topic nak share and it would be nice if you love to join me and give me some of your thought about this. its about betrayal? have you ever feel betrayed before? tak kisah lah dengan sesiapa pon, friends, best friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, classmates or even your family members . i mean anyone. we know that betrayal runs deep and can be devastating. the starting point is when the trust has been torn apart.
Betrayal always related to exposing other people's secret. ini kira macam betrayal yang paling popular lah. but normal lah kalau dah rapat dah percaya 100%, mesti kita akan cerita every single thing, every single secret we have. kan? sebab i sendiri pon buat benda yang sama :P tapi because they were certain people who can't keep promises, thats is why betrayal happened. kita selalu bagi full trust to this kind of people but what they do is betrayed it.
Tapi yang lagi seronok, bila orang yang betrayed kita tu rasa macam dia buat benda yang betul and tak fikir perasaan orang yang dia betrayed tu :O just so you know, betrayal happens to everyone at some point in our lives. ibarat tikam belakang lah. zaman sekarang ni, kita tak boleh nak percaya orang terlalu senang ataupun terlalu baik dengan orang. semua kena ada limit dalam apa segala segi yang kita nak buat. kena pandai jaga diri bak kata boyfriend i :)
Kadang kadang, orang yang kita dah kenal 10 tahun atau lebih pon boleh nak tikam belakang kita. inikan orang yang baru kita kenal setahun jagung. so please beware, dont trust people and dont give or put your trust too easily because they could break it so easily. its really true, life will become harder if we cannot trust people but you know what it is even harder when you trust them. whatever you do, please think about yourself first. dont be too naive.
I am just saying this in general. ive got a bit of experience on this matter. i dah jumpa dengan pelbagai jenis orang. since i dekat uia nilai lagi, then i study dekat Dubai and now dekat Australia, seriously dekat dunia ni macam macam jenis manusia dengan pelbagai jenis ragam dan perangai. sometimes, i wish i could read other people's mind. muahahaha. whatever it is, forgive and forget is the best that we can do :) be true to people or you aint true to nobody.
Thank you for reading this entry !
ermm..tak pernah rase lagi...once betrayed,the trust 2wd that person will gone forever...
nak forgive n forget tu yang agak payah sebenarnya nak buat kan?
yes iknow that coz i pun pnh rasa cm tuh..huhu..sedih sgt..:(
sakit kot kalau kena betrayed
i ever being betrayed by someone . it takes a long time to forget it .
dah slalu kene betrayed yunk :(
aku ada contact number prof xavier. nanti dah ada roger2.
hey babe ; why r u soooo gorgeous? whoa. jeles. teringin nk jumpa. nanti balik malaysia. turun penang ok :)
p/s : for me, main tikam2 belakang ni tak elok sangat la. sekali dia buat, selamanya tak kan lupa tau :D
Hmm yea i've been~ :') hmm lumrah hidup, hidup ini kan tak adil.huhu.
Btw, gmba mcm Fazuraa laa hehe.
at least once in a lifetime mesti jadi jugak...lumrah kehidupan :)
hai cewekk
i pernah rasa...skit sgt2...then tak kawan da ngn org tu smp skrg...serikk
amat pedih betrayal itu...
rasa macam curah luka dengan clorox!! XD
rasa sakit sangat!hmm.mmg zaman sekarang mana boleh nak pcaye orang 100 percent..
sokong sama sekali..
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