Happy sweet 21 to myself ! i'm officially 21 today. HOOOYEAHHH! its yet another reason to celebrate and feel happy that i would never want to miss. thank you to the one and all who wished me today. i know its still early to say thank you. but i just couldn't stand looking at all the wishes i received. i'm so happy. so thank you :) you all absolutely made my birthday one the most memorable ones for my lifetime. plus yesterday, my boyfriend sang me a birthday song which is the most sweetest thing i ever heard from him. thank you sayang
♥ *we celebrate in front of lappy* yes i'm growing older, wiser and prettier ;P muahahaha you can cut off the last one if you like. i just wish to be a better person, a better daughter as well as a better muslim, amin. i see 21 as a stepping stone to start my adult process. think like an adult and do things like an adult. it means i have to be more independent than before. it has been a great 20 years for me. i experienced many ups and downs and grew a lot!
So yeah, Happy Birthday to me ;D
happy birthday sis :))))
moge panjang umur dan murah rezeki.
Happy Birthday :)
may ALLAH bless u :)
Happy Birthday pretty ! <3 May Allah bless you always and your dreams come true :)
happy birthday... may Allah bless u forever... amiinnn..
happy birthday dear! =)
happy birthday pretty ! ;)
may ALLAH blessed you ,
sucsess in your life .
happy birthday to you .
Happy besday 21?ala adik rupanya patt la comel semacam.haha.. semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan terus berjaya..
happy birthday !
stay pretty and may allah always bless you :)
hepi besday izatie!!!
epi bufday zatie....
may ALLAH bless u forever....
Happy birthday dear.The best entry about birthday I ever read! <3
happy birthday for the 3rd time. aha. =))
happy bufday sis :)
hey, happy happy and have a very happy birthday!! :'D
may God bless you all the time. and moga2 sukses terus2an. i wish you all the best in whatever you do :') dan mudah2an cantik slalu!
happy eid ul adha in advance honey!
happy birthday sis :)
may Allah Bless You :)
happy birthday sis :)
happy birthday! may your wish come true. amin :)
dear happy birthday.. may allah bless you..
opss, you kene tag la dear.. meh tgk sini http://syuhadazukafle.blogspot.com/2011/11/6-segmen-terjah-belog.html
happy birthday sis =)
lama dah tak jenguk blog sis, anyway, mmg dah terlepas byk cerita lah..
selamat maju jaya,
selamat hari raya aidiladha
dan selamat hari hari..hihi :P
happy belated birthday izatie ;)
Happy belated birthday babe!May each and every passing year bring you wisdom, peace and cheer.Good luck!;-)
happy birthday
happy belated befday
happy belated befday
oh sayangs, late wish lor. wuu wuu. btw,
happy bufday to you, you are born in the zoo, there are monkeys and kangaroos, happy bufday to you!!!!
may your wish comes true and may Allah s.w.t bless you my dear. please take care ;)
happy belated birthday izatie... sorry for late. busy dengan final exam.
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