I safely arrived at home approximately around 2pm. tadi check out from Nikko Hotel then straight balik ke gombak. but singgah makan dekat paparich restoran dekat sri gombak for lunch. i'm having paparich special nasi lemak and lychee soda which both are awesome! sedap gila! yelah perut lapar tak makan apa breakfast roti kosong pon cakap sedap. betul tak? haha.
Papa's conference went very well and excellent! papa is very happy with the achievement. fyi, this is his first and biggest conference he ever organized! congratulations papa and also to all amanie's staff! you've done such a great job! and sorry papa sebab kakngah asyik skip je dengar conference tu. haha. lain kali buat conference jauh sikit dari shopping mall okay? ;)
I tak boleh nak update blog yesterday and the day before sebab internet slow gila! gian gila nak update. i taknak pakai internet dekat bilik sebab kena charge banyak nanti. lagipon dah ada broaband kan. setakat nak log in facebook okay. tapi blog ni nak upload gambar semua lambat so i tunggu sampai rumah and now boleh lah blogging and blogwalking puas puas! hihi.
Just a quick entry for the meantime. i nak kena siap siap sebab lepas asar nanti nak gerak pergi rumah my friend. park the car at her house sebab nak pergi by one car je. destination? fatty crab! i tak tahu dekat mana restoran tu. so ikha akan bawak i and pnut pergi sana! tak sabar nak jumpa diorang. rindu sangat! semalam tak jadi pergi sunway. so we bring foward the meet up today!
Malam ni i update lagi okay! :)
tak sabar tggu u updated.. :D
hehe...izzatie hati2 drive
papa rich seri gombak sgt dekat dgn my house:)u duduk mana?
tgh tunggu new hupdate..
apdet2 nk bace ni..ehehe
wow sngnya dpt makn bes2... rindu plak dpt mkn sesedap tu
gambar comel :p
congrats to your papa jugak :D
Khadijah, hihi insyaAllah malam ni i try update okay darling ;)
Fifi, i will thanks babe! ^_^
Faiqah, ye ke darling? i gombak dekat dengan uia. batu 9 ;)
Lyaa, okie dokie!
Munirah, haha thanks babe for the compliment! ;)
haha..i wanna join it actulaay
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