Hey i just got back from class. i have two lectures today. 1.30 to 5.30 straight :O yes sangat bosan dan mengantuk tapi nak buat macam mana lumrah hidup seorang pelajar kan. haha. balik dari kelas i naik bas tau. then time berjalan ke rumah. about 100 meter from my house la i nampak ada seekor haiwan yang bernama babi color hitam. haha. i think the pig belongs to someone kot. i tak nampak pulak owner dia. eeuww it is so gross. i takut dia datang dekat i tau so i macam percepatkan langkah i. ada jugak orang nak bela binatang tu kan?
I will be quite busy during weekend nanti. handling an event for all malaysian in wollongong. event welcoming new students lah lebih kurang. all malaysians will be involved. ramai jugak lah so confirm meriah gila! :) the event will be held nearby the beach, stuart park. so hopefully tak hujan lah. kalau hujan we have to go for plan B. ada BBQ and potluck. hari sabtu nak kena pergi beli barang prepare macam macam lah. nanti i cerita okay apa yang jadi semua. i really hope this coming event berjalan lancar and everyone will be having fun!
I desperately need a new shawl. dah bosan pakai shawl lama! :O haha. dekat sini ada je jual shawl. paling murah boleh dapat satu shawl 15bucks. kali dengan 3 duit malaysia. do the math by yourself. memang sangat tak worth it lah kalau beli. boleh dapat 3-4 shawl kalau dekat malaysia! i plan nak beli through online tapi tak sure diorang buat delivery overseas ke tak. plus i kena beli banyak kalau beli sikit rugi balik la sebab charge delivery confirm mahal jugak. waaaa nak shawl baru! nak suruh papa belikan confirm lah dia tak reti. haha.
Before i end this entry, i nak cakap sikit ketidak puasan hati i dekat sesetengah pihak. i know they will read my blog. almost everyday kan. yes kalau siapa makan cili tu dia lah yang terasa. so far i rasa i tak pernah nak menyusahkan sesapa or menyakitkan hati sesiapa. i memang jaga tepi kain i je. i tak ada masa and i takkan buang masa i nak sibuk fikir pasal hal orang lain. plus nak buat cerita bodoh bodoh nak spread rumours. it is so not me. so can you please do the same thing? umur dah meningkat kot. bukannya budak kecik lagi kan.
So nak buat cerita nak buruk burukan i ke ape ke suka hati lah. i tak kisah. i have enough people who know me and trust me very well. kebenaran sentiasa akan berpihak kepada siapa yang jujur and betul. i wont take any futher action sebab i rasa biar tuhan je yang balas. i pon rasa malas sangat nak fikir. dah delete dari facebook tapi still nak stalk stalk. hadoii manusia sekarang ni? so immature. berpijak la di bumi yang nyata. kita ni manusia biasa je. use your brain wisely. think before you talk. so renung2kan dan selamat beramal :)
Thus, to everyone who always talk about me, first, if you have anything to say about me, please say it to my face not behind my back and a million thanks to you for making me the center of your world. i really really appreciate it!

I am nice until someone give me a reason not to.
Thank you for reading this entry!
kalo ada yg jealous tu biasanya sebab u have something which not belong to them.
chill ya!
an idea... tak tau lah practical or tak.. beli jer online.. post kat sapa2 in KL and nanti mintak lah tlg org tu handover to your dad when he is in KL? :D
hikhim wahh mahalnya shawl bila dh convert kan ? hurm i find online store yg hantar internationally jugak, cube try kt sini http://www.onlinehijab.com/
heyyy, if they talk about u, that means they got no life.
and cause u are doing something good for u, and ur happy that is painful for them. :DDDDD
continue to be that person that will always be the same person :DD
heyyy. let them say anything they want because they'll be 10 x worst.
u must be doing something ur happy with and they cant stand seeing u happy and yes it hurts them to see u living ur life happily ever after :DD
so yes, dont ever change yourself. just only do it to become a better person slowly :DDD
u r who u r :DDD
be yourself and ignore the negative things.
ello dear..
just ignore ppl cmtu ye..
aihhh syuhh syuhhh..
psst...yang i balik kl nxt week yihaaa..nak kirim shawl?
kat jalan tar murah2..
serious ni..let me know darl ;)
hugs izatie~
cute lah awak neh..neway, wat xthu je ape orang nak ckp 2, mulut tempayan boleh la nk tutup, ni mulut manusia...heee, just chill..
i adore u la zatiey..heee..wut a nice blog dat u have..juz ignore them..biasala..manusia..msty ada yg mcm tu..take care and have fun dear:)
biase la ada org jeles tuh zati.hehe..
cool je k..
ada satu blog nie jual shawl..tp x sure die hantar oversea ke x..tp tdg die mmg cantek and jarang same dgn org..try la tanye.
sama sama...eh macam dekai i city je..betulkah
manusia mmg x pernah puas ke, ade je bnda yang dorang buat yg sengaja nk sakit kan hati kite, xpe, buat bodo je, nnti lame2 die senyap sendiri..chill ya :)
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