Hello and assalamualaikum readers :)
Ikutkan hati i macam taknak update je blog harini. malas :O huahuahua statement jujur habis. tadelah i memain je kalau malas, i tak update lah sekarang ni. i actually baru habis tengok cerita Tahajjud Cinta episode 3. not bad jugak cerita tu. cerita tu setiap hari Jumaat kan? tapi disebabkan tempat i ni tak boleh nak tengok Tonton.com which i have no idea why, so terpaksa lah tunggu insan yang baik hati upload dekat blog or provide a link to download.
Esok new semester has begin, my third semester in University of Wollongong. i mengharapkan semester ni will be nice as nice as last last semester. hehe. subject makin tough huuu, but i hope i can do my best for this semester :) wish me luck people! another two more years to go! after habis belajar nak buat apa? kahwin lah ape lagi! huahuahua no no definitely a big NO for me. i nak kerja dulu, bagi stable financial dulu then baru fikir pasal benda lain :P hehe.
Minggu ni ada lectures sahaja. tutorials, workshops and labs start minggu depan. yay me yay me! kelas i agak pack this semester since i ambik 5 subject *itu pon tengah fikir nak drop ke tak satu subject* hahaha. isnin je free sikit sebab ada satu kelas je in the afternoon :P i am fully prepared to go to class tomorrow. ceit azam baru lah kononnya. hehe. tadi i pergi beli stationery baru, ini baru, itu baru semua lah baru. macam baru bukak sekolah pon ada jugak.
For the past few days, i have been watching many wedding videos on youtube. haha ape kes entah? maybe starting from watching my friend's own wedding video kot. my seniors ramai kawin tahun ni. tahniah semua :) even my batch 1990 pon ramai yang nak bertunang, berkahwin semua. i'm so happy for them. like really happy! semoga berbahagia hingga ke anak cucu. tahniah juga kepada Farid, my ex-classmate (Setiabudi) yang baru je kahwin last saturday :)
I nak pi makan ni, terima kasih kerana membaca entri ini ye :)
Tahajjud cinta best kan =)
Wish u all the best untuk semester ni.. =)
ramai gak org tgk cita Tahajjud Cinta ni. best ke? nampak cm xbest jeee.
awww.. good luck tau :)
goodluck for the new sem.
have a good day ;)
goodluck for new sem.
do ur best..
Good Luck kak :)
gudluck yerp..study rerajin..=)
comel ;p
tahajud cinta... bestt!!!
cahaya tag kamoo di sini..
sudi2 jengah ye.. ^^,
tahajjud cinta tuh memang best..
cuma i kurang paham bab pakai purdah tuh jek..curious cket..hehe
btw, i pun taley tgk tonton.
so i suggest u pegi www.malaymoviesfull.blogspot.com..
in case u belum tau lagi blog neh wujud la..
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