Saturday, September 10, 2011

My dream

Hello, how are you my lovely and charming readers? its been a while since the last time i bebel bebel dekat blog i. sekarang pukul 2.44 petang. kepada sesiapa yang tak tahu lagi, masa dekat Aussie advanced 2 jam dari masa dekat Malaysia. i baru lepas brunch, it consider as lunch actually sebab dah past noon kan. but whatever lah haha weekend babehh bangun lambat lah. kelas pon tak ada. plus semalam pon i tidur pukul 5 lebih. i know its really late :O

Tak remaja lah tidur awal awal. kenal tak ayat ni? haha. sekarang ni habit i balik kelas je, lepas makan lepas dinner terus tidur due to kepenatan and kengantukan. haha. tidur bukan stok sekejap sekejap. ada lah 3,4 jam. then malam berjaga. sebab tu lah i selalu tidur lambat. i really need to change my habit! like seriously. its not a good habit. kids, please don't try it at home. maybe masa i still suit Malaysia time kot. haha seminggu je pon balik haritu.

Next week is the 8th week of the semester. week 12 dah habis class then final exam :O ohh sounds really scary since i pon tak prepared physically and mentally lagi. and on week 9, ada 4 assignment nak kena submit at the same time. plus ive got one test on the same week! so its going to be a very busy busy week for me. i nak try settlekan everything by next week so tak adalah rushing sangat. kenapa lah semua perlu terjadi dalam minggu yang sama? kenapa?

Since i balik dari Malaysia, i rasa macam Wollongong ni makin sejuk. sepatutnya winter ni dah patut settle down dah since spring is coming real soon tapi, semalam i balik dari kelas tunggu bus mak aih badan i tak boleh stop shaking. memang sejuk menggeletar lah. hadoii spring oh spring please comes faster. after spring is summer season! yayy! :) my most anticipated season of the year is summer. because i will be having a very long break! hahaha.

Meh i nak cerita sedikit pasal impian i ataupun dalam english, my dream. hehe cita cita i sebenarnya nak jadi seorang penyanyi hahahaha okay gelak laju laju cepat :P i am just kidding. dulu i ingat lagi kalau orang tanya, 'besar nanti nak jadi apa?' i mesti jawab nak jadi cikgu. sebab utama i suka tulis dekat whiteboard or blackboard dan i jugak suka periksa kerja orang. kasi markah semua. sebab tu dulu i selalu tolong cikgu i hantar buku lah, kutip buku etc.

Tapi sekarang ni everything has changed due to age factor dan juga faktor sekeliling. hehe i am currently doing my BA in accounting. so my first choice of job for sure nak jadi accountant. and my dad really wants be to an accountant in the bright future :O i ada plan nak bukak firm sendiri, accounting consultant :) cepat amin ramai ramai. insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki. tapi my big dream yang i nak achieve before i start kerja and after i graduate from university is;

I nak pergi ke semua tempat yang i nak pergi (dah siap buat list). i mean merantau pusing pusing pergi tempat orang. there are so many places i want to go. first of all is i want to go for a Europe trip. my brother dah pi pusing most of the places. and he manages to do it time dia still study lagi. lucky him! tapi i kalau boleh nak pi semua tempat tu selepas i habis belajar. anyone care to join me? hehe. nanti kalau dah start kerja semua, susah nak cuti lelama kan kan :P

That is my biggest dream beside than graduating with a flying colors! i really hope my dream will come true :) so how about your own dream? mind sharing it with me. or why not korang tulis satu entry about your own big dream (kalau boleh satu je) and nanti bagitau i and i read yours pulak. amacam? trading thought and dreams. isn't that awesome? haha. okay i better stop here. i need to unpack my stuff. since selasa haritu barang semua still dalam bag. lol

Thank you for reading this entry and have a lovely weekend :)


Puteri Iqa Izyan said...

my dream tanak jadi akauntan walaupun skang memang amek akaun. hahaha. =D

ada mokhtar said...

bila la dapat merasa dapat pusing kat tempat orang. dah kerja ni memang susah dapat cuti. lagipun budget asyik lari je.. nak buat tabung melancong la =)

encik iqram said...

sky diving...!!!!

mizmarmalade said...

May your dream comes true dear :)

Nuruashia said...

good then..hek9! may ur dream come true dear :)

nuru plak bercite2 nk jd lectere or marketer ahhahah :)

bella hamzah said...

semoga impian izatie tercapai .. :) bella teringin gak nak g euro trip tapi maybe lambat lagi.. nak kene kumpul duit byk2 wahahaha

Anonymous said...

bile nk kawen zatie?? hihi ;p

Pocket said...

pocket punyer dream...
last pun sebut dah: sniper.
tp sure tak jadi punyer lah.
buleh wat part time tak?

lemak kamu dah ikut malaysia lah tu kalau spring tu mengeletar.
patutnya dah start bepeluh pasal baru lepar ber'ais' kan :D

Anonymous said...

izzatie bila nak kawen huhu

Suza said...

waaa cm best jer mcm awk punyer dream nie ... hope ut dream will come true soon ... impian syg byk xpikir lgi hehhe =.='

Anonymous said...

aah izzatie ble nk kawen nieee??!

Nemo said...

haha nak jd penyanyi? i senyum smpai telingeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Aisya said...

hy kak zati. nice blog! i'm a new blogger. my dream nk jdik programmer. can ah? :D nnt da ade firm roger 2 laa, muahehe ;p

Asma said...

my dream is also somewhat similar to yours. i'd love to travel around the world!

Unknown said...

hepy studying...;)

blk mesia lg nnti bw ole-ole..;D

~..UdadyaNNa..~ said...

nak komen niee..muka awk makin tembam la tp still cute ekekek..[tibe-tibe] ..(^_^)

Rtp Farra Arisha said...

u just do what u gonna do and u've to be what u gonna be!! goodluck and all the best ;) happy learning and studying!