Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hello October !

If possible, i just want to get rid of this month but i know i can't. haha. but i really hope time will flies faster this month. faster than previous month. tak sabar nak cuti summer nanti! i will be having 3 months break. isn't that awesome? nanti i akan ada dekat Malaysia sampai end of february. macam macam benda i nak buat. benda i paling excited is my best friend's wedding! nak kena tempah baju lagi, bak kata sheffyiby, 'pakai vogue vogue tau nanti!'.

Hari selasa ni dah start class balik. hoho but there will be no more exams, test or quizzes. i only have one assignment to be submitted a week after that. i just started doing it yesterday. so i think i could finished it by the end of this spring break. then lepas tu FINAL EXAM pulak :O nanti november, i will going back alone first since my babysister still kena pergi sekolah. my mom and my sister will be coming back maybe awal december. i'm not really sure about that.

And kemungkinan besar, my mom akan balik ke Malaysia for good. they might not be coming back here. so i will be alone :( huwaaaa sedihnya. i really don't want my mom to go back. i want her to stay with me until i graduate. sekarang tengah dalam proses memujuk mama. haha. please mama, i know you will read this. hehe mama jangan balik lagi okay. nanti siapa nak masak untuk kakngah? siapa nak teman kakngah shopping? haaaaa :P mama jangan balik tau!



*Bungee jumping*

Okay, have you ever heard of paragliding, skydiving and bungee jumping? have you ever try one of of these? dekat tempat i banyak sangat activity activity macam ni. since wollongong memang betul betul tepi pantai. one of my listed dream, to try all of these three! i tahu benda benda ni nampak sangat lah menakutkan. siapa yang gayat memang a big NO lah for them. tapi bila fikir balik, its once in a lifetime experience! rugi lah kalau tak try kan? hahaha.

So anyone care to join me? hahaha. nanti lepas we did any of this three, we will get a certificate of courage. ada sijil membuktikan kita ni cukup berani. jangan main main tau. hahaha. lepas ni orang takkan pandang rendah dah dekat kita. lagi lagi dekat perempuan. dekat Wollongong ni, memang terkenal dengan skydive and paragliding. bungee jumping yang ramai orang pergi dekat New Zealand. before i habis belajar nanti i akan make sure i buat tiga tiga benda ni :P

In terms of the fee, its quite expensive. $200 for each activity! darab 3 duit malaysia, do the math people :) tapi for me its absolutely worth every single penny. meh la datang tempat i, then we can do it together! hehe. i saja buat review pasal benda ni since dari tadi dok tengok video on youtube orang buat skydive semua ni. OH MY BEST GILA OKAY! i gotta try those seriously. okay thats all for today babehh, i will update again soon. have a great weekeend!

Thank you for reading this entry! :)


Nuruashia said...

hahaha..enjoy je kannn :D

Admin said...

phat follow sini

Adam Malik said...


Syazwan Che Deraman said...

saya nak try semua gambar di atas.
tapi nampak macam mengerunkan..

encik iqram said...

btw bunjee jump kat sunway lagoon just 50ringgit jee..hahaha..need to try laa..once a life kan.. :P

Mizz ErMa said...

xsanggup nk try sume tu..>__<

Rtp Farra Arisha said...

pujuk mama cepat!! :D

those are the great activities! i'd try the paragliding only when i was been in sydney last 2009;)
the anothers look very interesting. nak coba laah nnt!

[loveyourlife] said...

isy, bungee jumping tu macam scary je? tak ke? :o

Izzatie said...

Nuruashia, hehe tahu takpe :) jom la try !

Phat, thank you :)

Nurmuhammad, best best! :)

Syazwan, nampak memang takut, tapi bile da buat nanti mesti best hehe .

Iqram, i knoww. gotta try that one as well! ^^

Erma, hehehehe nape? takut eh? :P

Farra, itulah kena keep pujuk mama ni :D ohh really you did paragliding before? AWESOMEEE!

Mira, nampak ke cam scary tapi bile da buat mesti rasa best. cehh macam da biase buat je i :P hehe.

Azam, terima kasih :)

nana said...

babe ... nnt i pegi sane we do ALL three together! Tehengen jugak :P