Just a very quick short update for today. i'm having exam in a week. in a week bro in a week! :O nervous gilaa woi tapi preparations nak exam tak semengah mana pon. lagi lagi i 2,3 hari ni boleh pulak bantai tak sihat saket perut. tapi bersyukur jugak i kena minggu ni, kalau kena time minggu exam pergh jawab exam menangis la nanti. haha. harini i supposed to attend the farewell party for MAS-UOW committee 2010/2011 tapi i tak pergi pon saket punya pasal.
Doakan i sihat dan cergas okay. i need more energy for the final exam! nak kena put more effort on this. Ya Allah, permudahkan segala urusanku. amin :) just so you know, i deactivate facebook i since last 2 or 3 days. seriously facebook memang penyebab pertama i malas nak study haha. so after dah deactivate ni, kira alhamdullilah lah kurang masa i dekat depan laptop. memang kurang sesangat lah. less distraction, more concentration.
Semalam pon actually i terlog in i punya facebook. wakakakakuikuikui then bila log in, facebook said that i need to wait for 24 hours for reactivation. haha boo izzatie booo! nampak sangat dia tak kasi i main facebook. i nak activate pon sebab i nak send details pasal farewell party tu *alasan*. tapi bagus jugak system sekarang. so ada guna jugak lah deactivation tu. so for those we still tak tahu, korang kena tunggu 24 jam kalau nak activate balik facebook nanti.
Blog ni i still open for public. it doesn't effect me much pon. bukan nak kena check selalu pon ye dak? tapi i akan still update blog i insyaAllah kalau ada masa lapang or dah bosan ke stress study. nanti korang rindu pulak dekat i kan? muahahahahaha :D i am just joking. raya haji dekat sini jatuh hari Ahad 6 November 2011. sama dengan dekat Malaysia kan? there will be a Malaysian gathering on Sunday nanti. mama buat ketupat dengan rendang! yayy!
Nanti a day before raya, i akan wish everyone okay? nak wish sekarang macam too early je. haha tapi janji korang kena wish birthday i dulu nanti hehehehe. ohh yeah i akan activate balik facebook i on Friday *birthday punya pasal*. muahahahahaha. okay lah i nak turun makan, tadi committee MAS-UOW datang rumah hantar makanan since i tak pergi farewell party tu tadi kan. terharu sangat :') thank you guys. hehe and wish me luck for my exam!
Thank you for reading this entry :)
get well soon dear :)
wah. syg nye diorg kat kak zatie ek. hehe
anyway. gud luck for ur exam. cayok-cayok !!
good luck dear:)
good luck dear:)
may you get well very soon my dear sis. all the best for all your tests! :'D have a happy day.
waaa, your mom is a good cook? i think so :'D hehehe.
get well soon n wish u a besh gudluck. ^^
1. semoga cepat sembuh ya.
2. gud luck untuk exam
3. deactive?ala
4.jgan la tutp blog plak ea..
5. sebelum besday izatie. jom wih besday PM 2nd nov.
good luck exam babe :)
good luck sis ! :)
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