Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ikha's Solemnization

Hello, good morning everyone. i just got back from KLIA, baru lepas hantar my daddy to the airport. bertolak pukul 6 in the morning, i only slept for 2 hours and half, and time drive balik tadi i was really sleepy but then bila dah sampai rumah hilang pulak mengantuk :O so i decided to blog about my best friend's akad nikah that just happened yesterday. it was a blast ceremony and the bride and groom looked gorgeous and charming! selamat pengantin baru :)

The akad nikah went very well. sebak rasa semalam bila tengok kawan i ni kahwin, she is the first among my close friend yang kahwin. and i am so happy for her! semoga berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu. cepat cepat dapat baby okay. tak sabar nak jadi auntie ;P hehe. i bawak boyfriend i semalam, saja nak bagi dia rasa apa yang i rasa. nak tahu i rasa apa? i feel like getting married also. boleh tak? muahahahahaha. seronok and jeles sangat tengok orang kahwin :D

Semalam jugak, i got to meet my old friends and schoolmate masa Setiabudi dulu. ada yang i tak jumpa since habis SPM lagi. lama kan? it can be so-called-reunion lah semalam. we really had fun! the food was nice sampai menambah-nambah ;P i really entertained with the ceremony. starting from tazkirah from tok kadi, akad nikah, acara sarung cincin and pembatalan air sembahyang. plus the pelamin was beautiful! ala ala morrocan egyptian style gitu. hehe.

Malam ni pulak majlis reception dekat dewan Jalan Semarak which i have no idea where it is. i bet its going to be great! :D tak sabarnyeww nak pi malam ni. tite pi dengan boyfriend tite, kitorang pakai baju color same wuuuu bestnyeww huahuahuahua gedik tak? dapat makan nasi minyak lagi malam ni. nanti i update about reception ceremony pulak. tak sabar nak tangkap gambar bebanyak. semalam tak sempat nak tangkap gambar dengan pengantin ;(

Takpe dekat majlis resepsi nanti boleh tangkap gambar jugak hehe. okay done with wedding story, rasa jeles sikit tengok kawan i ni kahwin. i keep saying to my boyfriend, 'nak kahwin jugak, nak kahwin jugak!' haha :D this coming wednesday mama and awfa sampai Malaysia! tak sabar gila. lepas ni tak payah nak makan luar dah. haha. iyee for almost a month pagi petang siang malam hari hari i makan luar sebab tak masak dekat rumah. naik muak dah i :O

Lastly, i have a short message to Tyka Zahrah who claimed herself as me. such a faker! :O its been several times already you've been using my pictures on your facebook profile and clamming it is you. tak tahu malu ke bro? dah tegur, tukar sekejap then buat balik. what do you get from doing this? come on whoever you are, stop being fake and go and find your own originality. just be yourself bro! tak best lah macam ni bro. itu gambar gua bro. clear bro? okay.

Nak tidur, mengantuk gila. see you in the next entry! :)


Roseputih Zumie said...

even the bride is beautiful, u too look beautiful sis :) congrate 4 ur bff solemnization ! :D

Anonymous said...

comel nyewww. jeles. :')

✿INA AINAA✿ said...

Selamat pengantin baru to ur fren..hehehehe...bestnyew dy nk g ngn bf dy...awwwww....hav a nic day to u

Nuruashia said...

wawhhh...nice laa..btw, fakers u tu mmg melampauuu seyhhh...

si ngokngek said...

lemak triple lah nampaknya,haha

sis bila pulak,kihkihkih

Shazwani Ramly said...

akak nmpak comel. sangat lawa. mesti meriah kann akad nikah tu.


nice pictures! ok, hoping that u kahwin cepat2 jugak:) hikss

Rtp Farra Arisha said...

say congratulations again to your sweet pretty friend..she seems beautiful, just like you. i'm gonna see many more photos of yours for the next entry! okay? hehehehe :D

Nemo said...

i search tyka zahrah tu... betul la..huhu psyco zati eh ? ;p

Deela said...

kawen nn jgn lupa jemput ^_^

Unknown said...

kak zati dah habis belajar nanti bolehla ikut jejak langkah your best friend :)

LittleGurl said...

cepat update gambar reception! teeeheeee.... you makin cantik la babe! ;)

tieykah said...


tyka zahrah memalukan kamu kerabat i jer