Hello :)
Petang tadi i pergi Fatty Crab with my girlfriend. this restaurant located at petaling jaya. atas sikit dari area one utama! the most special dish for sure lah ketam. we ate ketam alone! and dah habis ketam ikha order half dozen of chicken wing and drumstick! the food was lovely and superb! sedap gila! :) thanks ikha and pnut for the lovely afternoon! i love you both more than a lot.
Kitorang pergi with ikha's car. i and pnut parked the car dekat rumah ikha. bertolak from her house around 4.45 then sampai sana plus minus dengan jem dalam 5 lebih dah sampai. we're having a chit chat about everything! pasal study, boyfriend, kawan kawan and macam macam lah lagi. we really had a wonderful afternoon! kenyang pon kenyang! alhamdullilah. hihi.
After dah habis makan kitorang semua gerak balik ke rumah ikha. lepak dekat rumah dia dalam sejam lebih jugak lah. bergambar dalam bilik ikha! haha. the best part ikha tunjuk balik semua gambar yang dia tangkap time dekat sekolah tu. memang stok sakit perut la gelak bila tengok gambar gambar tu semua. kelakar gila lah! i sampai keluar air mata gelak punya pasal. haha.
Lepas dah puas bergambar semua i and pnut decide to go home. time tu pon dah pukul 9 lebih. i pon tak boleh balik lambat sangat. but before balik, pnut tangkap gambar kitorang bertiga pakai polaroid. i love that camera! then she gave us a picture to keep it as a memory. she also gave us a key chain from Universal Studio, Singapore! cantik sangat! thank you darling ♥
Thank you Ikha and Pnut for such a lovely afternoon!
We meet up again next week okay? ♥

Okay esok i kena settle banyak hal jugak. nak kena pergi bayar broadband and tamatkan previous broadband. lepas tu papa suruh i uruskan hal sewa rumah dekat Tasik Puteri and Bandar Enstek. ada few property yang papa nak sewakan. so esok papa suruh i check electric, air, renovation and macam macam benda lah. macam assistant pulak i kan? tapi tak bergaji. haha.
Thank you for reading this entry! :)
pergh sodap jer tgkketam tu sebelom kene tibai..
cam sedap je ketam tu seriesly. balik rumah jadik PA tak bergaji la kan
that ketam looks so yummy...
bestnye ketam tuh zatie .. geram je tgk.. haha
ishh yank u mkn x ajak i..
geram betul..hehehe
u comel la..sumpah
ergh. sedapnya ketam tu! :P~~~
nak cantik macammm youuu ?
heh i suke ketam
tapi. kurang reti nak kopek.
salu ayah yg tolong.. hehehhehhe
Rainbowskittle, aah babe! sedap! u should go and try it once. no dissapointment! ^_^
Deaday, yes indeed! sedap and berbaloi sangat babe. go and try it ;)
Lieynda, yes ketam besar besar and banyak gile isi. puas sangat makan. haha.
Nurulbadiah, haha. alaaa next time kite pergi makan sesama okay? i belanje! ^_^
Kim, yup sedap gilaaaaaaa! hihi.
Nurainie, eh i biase biase jelah darling ;))
Marya, tahu xpe! we're in the same position. kalau dekat rumah memang mama i lah tukang kopek kan ketam. haha.
cun ah gambar polaroid.
sebab tuan gambar cun kot?! haha
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