Hello my readers. minggu ni i cuti semester selama seminggu. even though cuti tapi ada assignment yang due date makin hampir. so tak boleh nak goyang kaki jugak lah. haha. bosan jugak tak ada kelas since i tak tahu nak buat apa. mengadap laptop 24 jam. haha. i plan to go somewhere with mama and awfa but still tak tahu nak pergi mana. hoho. so how was your weekend? mesti banyak buat benda best kan. i miss having my weekend in malaysia :') mine wasnt that good. i was not in a very good mood for the past few days. problem seems never stop hitting me. people were never stop talking about me :O
I promise this will be the last entry yang mengandungi isu emotional. haha. lepas ni i akan post entry pasal best best je. i have a very long conversation with mama this morning. as well with my few close friends yesterday about something that happened to me. so overall, i did overcome the problem with the pleased. nothing more to be think about. it brings no harm to me neither any good. so why do i need to burden myself to think something that meaningless to myself? betul tak? lantak pi lah dekat depa nak cakap apa pon. sikit pon tak mengugat i. sebab i tahu apa yang betul and apa yang salah.

Last but not least,
I cant stop the rumors from starting, and i cant really change people minds who actually believe them. all i can do is sit back and laugh at those low life and short minded people who have nothing better to do than talk about me. yes go ahead do your job of making me more famous :) Allah swt tu maha mengetahui. maybe sekarang ni hari diorang, esok lusa tulat bila bila hari i pulak. who knows kan? someone said to me, those people who love talking about others ni diorang actually tak ada kerja. cakap pon tak guna otak. belajar je tinggi tinggi. tak guna pon nak fikir sangat bukan diorang bagi kita duit pon. ye dak?
Lets get back into reality. semalam i pergi cheer for malaysian team for futsal tournament dekat my university. i tengok malaysia vs vietnam and malaysia vs japan je. and alhamdulillah diorang dapat masuk sampai semi final. congrats! but time dah masuk semi i dah balik sebab hujan lagipon my friend kena balik awal. but i heard diorang tak dapat masuk final pon. but dah kira bagus sangat lah dapat masuk semi final pon. i am so proud of them! haha. malaysia boleh! hari sabtu ni i join other malaysian for paintball. first time ever i main paintball. haha tak tahu lah apa jadi nanti. risau jugak i :O wish me luck!
p/s: gambar semalam dekat atas eh .
u santek :)
bw cni..dOnt forget follow me ;)
Kalo kita nak dapat redha sume orang, kita mmg takkan mampu. Cukuplah dengan redha Allah dan org2 yang sayang kita redha dengan kita. Kan? Nabi sendiri pon ramai orang tak suka sedangkan baginda SAW adalah sebaik2 manusia. ^^keep smiling~
comelnya tuan punya blog!
comel je gambar first tu.main sangkut badan :)
yup, mereka akn brhenti bila dh penat. biar je.. keep on smiling, awet muda taw! hehe :D
i dont know why but i'm so happy sbb you follow my blog! teehee, thanks!
by the way, i deactivate fb. nak focus pd final. oh yeah one more, i always follow your blog tau! keep on blogging. and stay strong! we love you more! :)
gambar2 sgt cantik dear! ;)
awak mmg cute..:)
klik hb
Together we fight for our rights yeah! Go izatie!
Thank you everyone ^_^
senyum selagi kita mampu. :)
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