Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lucky number 8

Just a very short and quick entry for today. esok i ada test microeconomics. wish me luck eh :) maybe entry ni will sound little bit serious sebab i tengah emotional sikit. why is life so unfair? yes i know tuhan dah tetapkan qada' dan qadar bagi semua makhluknya. so suka atau tidak, kita kena terima ketentuan-Nya. ye dak? tapi i ni hurm yelah seorang hamba tuhan yang lemah and banyak dosa. bila problem datang straight dekat i and hit my face i jadi terus lost.

I tak ada siapa siapa dekat sini except for my family. people were making and spreading rumors about me. people were talking bad behind my back. people who knew me the least talked about me the most. judging me without knowing the truth. pelik kan manusia sekarang? kenal apa pon tak kan. hadoii. yelah i admit mulut orang kita tak boleh nak tutup. so nak taknak, we have to face it. pekakkan telinga je orang nak cakap apa. justice will one day be served.

Plus i am miles and miles away from everyone. i mean from everyone who actually hate me. ohh maybe jugak dekat. who knows kan? so i have an advice to tell, it depends on you and you nak dengar ke tak kan. i am just a very normal human being who did making mistakes sometimes. who can run from doing mistakes? tell me now. nobody's perfect. but kadang kadang bila kita tak buat salah pon orang still nak point finger dekat kita. huh menyirap gila i :O

So by listening to one side of story and and plus if she or he is a very good in talking and manipulating stories, i bet everyone is gonna believe him or her. no matter how good or bad the story is, people will definitely judging the other person; she's or he's the bad one, she's or he's the one who causes everything, its all her or his fault and bla bla blacksheep. that's life. and we just have to deal with it. what we can do is prove to them that they are wrong and we are right.

Another thing we can do is be patient. sabar separuh daripada iman. jangan lawan api dengan api. jangan tunjuk kita ni immature dengan balas dendam ke apa. just relax and be cool. one day, mesti semua orang boleh beza siapa betul , siapa salah, siapa baik and siapa jahat. tuhan ni maha adil maha saksama. anything we do, just believe in karma. what goes around definitely will comes around back. whatever you give, you will get the same thing in return.

Sometimes in life, we just have to go with
Whatever happens..... Happens.


muhammad said...

La tahzan!!

PinKy MoMMa said...

ello izatie..mish u girl!
sis br dpt online stelah smggu cuti di kl huhu..

wish u luck 4 tmrw...

stress or sad?
hurmm tgk si jozan bg hlgkan skit rasa tu k ;)

take care & hugs dear..
chill k..

wawahida idris said...

izatie, i know u strong enough to face all this. be patient k. :)

myracupcake said...

all the best test akak okay !

just ignore pasal others cakap² tu kak :) inshaallah kita kenal sapa diri kite , family kite kenal kite. dorang tu just jealous with your life , la tahzan sister ! Allah tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita :)

Nadia said...

i've the same problem as yours. kinda makes me sad but great at the same time coz it means we are really something to them if they're trying their very best to bring us down.

Mira Amirudin said...

aggap lah ini ujian dr Nya..
Allah knew u are brave to be like this..sabar banyak2 tau.

RevVING NOTES said...

Gudluck 4 ya test nnt!~ :)

Knp title entry "Lucky number 8" ?

"Another thing we can do is be patient." Completely agree with u on that point! (^_^) Chill sudey~ huhu

nurmunirah said...

thanx follow :) comel aje akak nie :D

S y a r a f i n a said...

x penah missed baca blog zatie.
sabar eh. Allah syg zatie, sbb tu Allah duga zatie. :)

Anonymous said...

yeah, life mmg mcm tu... sbr je, lama2 org tu pun dh penat nk buat lg...

lama xdtg sini, hope u sihat2 je :)


lawanya header, sempoi. :) follow sini. :)

Izzatie said...

Muhamad, syukran :)

Pinky momma, ohh bestnye bercuti! hihi. itulah malam ni nak tengok maharajalawak. kena tunggu org upload kat youtube dulu la tapi. btw, thank you! take care too ;)

Wahida, hihi i will insyaAllah.

Myra, thank you darling.

Nadia, very true indeed ^_^

Mira, okay babe. thank you :)

Rev, terima kasih. saje je letak title tu. tak ada kena mengena pon. haha.

Nurmunirah, no worries . hihi.

Fina, really? hehe. thank you darla.

Syamimi, itulah pasal babe. takpelah biar jelah diorang. janji kite tak kacau hidup orang. kan kan ;)

Kamihidup, terima kasih :)

Asma said...

hey babe!
i've finally found ur blog!!! it's been awhile since i visit u! hope you are doing well!